Friday, July 15, 2011

Sorry I have not been on top of the blogging lately. I haven't been feeling great, so I haven't made it to the interenet cafe.

I have SO many pictures that I can't wait to post. Above are some of my students. I teach 5 different classes. They arn't grouped by age, but by "ïntellectual ability." I am expected to have English lessons prepared for each class everyday. I move from class to class and the students are always eager to help carry my backpack and helmet. The students are very respectful to the teachers and most of the students are so eager to learn. Each class is 40-45 minutes long with a 15-20 min play time inbetween each class. That play time is worth it's own blog entry. If there is not a volunteer to teach the students to learn English they learn from their teachers (most of which don't speak English well). It is a challenge coming up with lessons for the students because there are no resources. I think it's even harder for me because I know what I COULD do! I am trying my best and some of the teachers help to translate some words.

The kids are SO beautiful! I'm not sure if you all want to know the sad, I won't go into it on here. I just have noticed that there are some children who are dying for affection. They get jealous, cry, hit or punch when they see me giving attention to another kid. There are some students who also cling to me. I have noticed some of the younger kids to be very violent towards each other too (mostly in class 1). I don't know if that is a defense mechanism or a way they learned to defend themselves on the street.

It's time for dinner or else I would write more...I promise! I will be back in two days.

ps. A karaoke bar just opened next to our apartments...It's not the usual kind if you catch my drift. Really sad actually, I just want to rescue the girls..

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